The Karst Commission is a part of The International Association of Hydrogeologists, a charitable membership organisation, which promotes sound development and management of groundwater.
Celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2020, we are one of the oldest and most active commissions of the IAH.
Today, our network of academics, practicing hydrogeologists and water resources professionals is focused on fostering international collaboration in karst groundwater management. Through promoting defensible science and professional practices, we aim to protect karst water resources for safe drinking water, agriculture and protection of ecosystems.
Please explore the resources on our website and reach out to become involved in our activities.
IAH’s Karst Commission is also a partner of the Speleogenesis Scientific Network and website, in cooperation with the UIS Commission on Speleogenesis: http://www.speleogenesis.info/

Water Sampling of the Sarrazine overflow of the Lison karst aquifer, French Jura Mountains. Credit: Jean-Baptiste Charlier
Recent News
Abstract submission for Eurokarst is now open!
The congress is jointly organized by La Sapienza University of Rome, Sannio University of Benevento, and University Aldo Moro of Bari, and will be held in Rome, Italy, on June 10-14, 2024.
Deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 15 December 2023. Additional information is available at http://www.eurokarst.org/abstract-submission/
May 2023 Karst Geotrip!
Karst Commission members participated in a geotrip to Croatia and Slovenia, Avi Burg provides a summary of the trip here.
New Free Textbook!
Karst Division Member Neven Kresic has recently published a free textbook “Hydrogeology: Introduction to Groundwater Science and Engineering” which is now available online.
Hydrogeology: Introduction to Groundwater Science and Engineering