In search for potential sponsors

The Karst Commission recognizes the challenges facing many young karst groundwater researchers attempting to enter the field from developing countries. To help reduce these challenges, we aim to build the funding to help support young karst scientists in attending conferences and seminars. If you are able to donate or know
someone that can, please contact the Karst Commission: or directly the chairmen (

Educational activities

An important piece of our mission is to help educate the world on living in karst. Do you think there a need for more karst education activities and materials? Do you have educational tools, activities, or materials that you would like to share more broadly? Please, don’t hesitate to contact us!


In search for Karst Geotrip organizer(s)

IAH Karst Commission geotrips have been independently organized to bring together karst professionals from around the world, as well as young scientists and students. These geotrips provide a great opportunity to visit karst regions and exchange ideas in an informal setting. The recent revival of geotrips was interrupted by COVID-19
pandemic (Yellowstone, May 2020), but we are working towards a summer 2022 trip and are looking for future trip suggestions and leaders. Please, contact the Karst Commission if interested.