
The following is a list of partner institutions and organisations either hosting or working closely with the Karst Commission:

The International Research Centre on Karst (IRCK) forms a part of the Chinese Institute of Geological Sciences and is located in Guilin, China. The IRCK works closely with UNESCO, the Karst Dynamics Laboratory (below) and  the IAH Karst Commission. The IRCK organises every year the course for young professionals and students with different topics. They  and their website may be seen here

The Karst Dynamics Laboratory (KDL) in Guilin, China. Zhang Cheng, Jiang Guanghui, Yuan Daoxian and several other KC members are affiliated to this institute, which is located in one of the most famous and spectacular karst regions of the world.

The Centre for Karst Hydrogeology of the University of Belgrade, directed by Zoran Stevanovic, organises traditional by UNESCO’s sponsored workshop “Charaterisation and Engineering of Karst Aquifers” and develops many relevant karst activities in cooperation with the KC:

The Speleogenesis Commission of the Union International of Speleology, chaired by Alexander Klimchoukworks closely with the IAH Karst Commission (KC) on many issues:

The Centre of Hydrogeology at the University of Malaga (CEHIUMA), Spain, directed by KC member Bartolomé Andreo, offers relevant master studies and continuing education courses, and organises international conferences and workshops focusing on karst hydrogeology, often in close cooperation with the IAH Karst Commission.

The Karst Research Institute in Postojna, Slovenia, is one of the most traditional institutes working on karst, located in a classical karst region; there is close cooperation with the KC for many years. The actual KC members are Nataša Ravbar and Metka Petrič. The Institute regularly organises international schools “Classical Karst”, there were 25 of them until 2017.

The National Karst and Cave Research Institute (NCKRI) is located in Carlsbad, New Mexico and is led by KC member George Veni. This  is a non-profit government-supported institute (New Mexico Tech) and its goals are to conduct, support, facilitate, and promote programs in cave and karst research, education, environmental management, and data acquisition and sharing. G. Veni and his Institute are important source of information sharing them with all KC members.

Karst Waters Institute, USA, is a non-profit institution aiming to improve the fundamental understanding of karst water systems, including involvement from various past and present members of the KC:

The Hoffman Environmental Research Institute at Western Kentucky University, USA, directed by KC member Chris Groves, is very active in karst hydrogeology research and international collaboration, including KC efforts.

The Swiss Institute of Speleology and Karstology, directed by KC Member P.Y. Jeannin, conducts research, consulting and training related to caves and karst.

There is various cooperation between different programs of UNESCO and the IAH Karst Commission, such as the four karst-related IGCP projects since 1989 and the International Research Centre on Karst (IRCK) in Guilin. UNESCO supports several conferences where the KC meets, such as Plitvice 2009 and Malaga 2010, as well as the resulting proceedings or special publications. UNESCO also supported project “Protection and Sustainable use of the Dinaric Karst Aquifer System, DIKTAS”.