Some useful links for journals and web sites

Acta Carsologica, a journal dedicated to all aspects of karst and cave research, published by our partner institute in Postojna:

Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, a publication of the National Speleological Society:

The journal “Cave & Karst Science”, edited by KC member John Gunn, publishes research papers dealing with all aspects of karst and caves, including karst hydrogeology:

Members of the IAH Karst Commission frequently publish in Hydrogeology Journal, the official journal of the IAH, covering all fields of hydrogeology:
Hydrogeology Journal | Home (

International Journal of Speleology, the official journal of the International Union of Speleology (UIS):

Speleogenesis, a scientific online journal published by the UIS Commission on Karst Hydrogeology and Speleogenesis:

Useful information on karst and USGS karst research:

Karst Division Member Neven Kresic has recently published a free textbook “Hydrogeology: Introduction to Groundwater Science and Engineering” which is now available online.

Hydrogeology: Introduction to Groundwater Science and Engineering